Saturday, 22 February 2014






“三好:做好事,说好话,存好心。” 等等。






miss tine 

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

About L.I.F.E

Aloha ! 

The word of "LIFE" is inspired by one of my best friend, JC. He is my ex-colleague during my first job in Singapore. I've joined a med-tier audit firm in Singapore for my first audit life there. As you aware in med-tier firm, number of employees are not little but it wasn't large as compared to the famous big 4. However, i never have a chance to talk to JC after 1 year i joined.. Don't you feel ridiculous? (Haha...)

JC shared with me the philosophy of "LIFE"... Sometimes its sounds very pathetic but sometimes its very life encouraging when he talk about LIFE.  After all, i have been influence by him and my previous motto was always "LIFE"~

What's about J's life philosophy? When the things unable to work out ''LIFE".  When something good happened "LIFE". When he need to work overtime to clear his manager review points "AUDIT LIFE". When he can't fight for his own benefit "LIFE, Damn it !"

I guess he meant the universal sense. He have tried his best to work out something but end up it doesn't turns up, so means in life something that we can't control. When good things happened, this shows life is giving us a hope while we at down turns. He can't runaway to clear the manager review points because is part of his job responsibilities, thus is audit life... Life has giving us good thoughts and bad situations, so somethings is really damn on what happening surrounding us.

Well, come back to my L.I.F.E

I have watch a movie : The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. There are numbers of nice quotes which can be your motto, but its really depends how far you can understand the quotes.

There are few i like the most, such as:

"Life is about courage and going into the unknown"

"Beautiful things don't ask for attention"

"Life... I'm lovin' it." (<--- McDonald)

And... THIS!

To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life.

The moment i start up this blog, i am thinking what can i contribute here to make everyone reading my blog and share out my happiness and experiences to others. I am not going to make myself famous but my intention is to bring my eyes to others, let others can see what i have seen and let others to feel what i have felt. To share the joy, to share the experiences. The world is so big, we might not able to go through every corner of the world. As part of the sharing, let me have a chance to share my life to others, to bring others to see OTHERS.


Miss tine